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Miami River Forest Management provides the following services to both private woodland owners and public land stewards.

Wild Path

Individualized Management Plan

Identify landowner objectives and then develop a plan that meets the owner's vision for the land that will accomplish a combination of income, insect and disease control, forest health, wildlife habitat, soil and water quality maintenance, desired tree species composition, tree stocking control, invasive plant species control, and aesthetics. Ohio landowners can gain huge property tax reductions with our plans meeting requirements for Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) & Ohio's Forest Tax Law (OFTL) programs.


Wildlife Habitat Improvement

Determine the wildlife species of interest, and then plan and implement a series of treatments that will favor those species. Examples include: cut openings in the tree canopy to create "edge" or diversity, promote mast-producing tree species, plant annual grains, and develop water sources.

Fire Wood

Timber Inventory and Appraisal

Calculate the board foot or cubic foot volume of timber and determine its value for a sale of timber, cost basis, the sale of land, or an estate settlement.

Honeysuckle Photo.jpg

Invasive Species Control

Survey and map locations of invasive species such as bush honeysuckle and multiflora rose, develop a plan to treat them, and pursue funding from government assistance programs.


Timber Stand Improvement

Improve the forest composition of desirable tree species and improve the health and vigor of younger trees by thinning and vegetative release treatments.

Image by Daiga Ellaby

Tree Planting

Species selection recommendations for tree planting projects and securing government assistance, if eligible.


Street Trees, Parks, and Other Public Areas

Inventory and map trees by species. Hazard tree identification and mapping. Tree maintenance and management recommendations.


Natural Area Restoration

Recommendations and plans for restoring areas to a vegetative species mix that would exist under natural conditions.

© 2015 by Miami River Forest Management

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